Starting your day off right requires more than just a good night’s sleep and an easy waking, these are just the first steps to making a great day. The next step involves giving your body the right foods for it to face the day comfortable and with plenty of energy. In today’s fast paced world driven by fast-food and tight schedules, it can be tricky to eat right, but doing so will make it possible for you to keep up with the frantic pace set by the modern world.
Eggs Are No Yolk
Eggs are a great way to start the day, and have the benefit of being easy to prepare ahead of time. Eggs have been shown to promote a feeling of fullness, sustain levels of blood sugar and insulin, and to reduce the amount of calories consumed during the next meal. While often avoided due to their high cholesterol levels, most people who consume eggs don’t see their levels increase, and in fact there is evidence to suggest that it actually helps reduce bad cholesterol in the system. Hard boil some eggs and tuck them in the fridge for a quick morning bite.
Greek Yogurt
Equal parts tangy, sweet, and creamy Greek Yogurt can be a great way to start your day with a flavor the wakes up your taste buds. Even better people who are lactose intolerant don’t typically have any trouble with this delicious treat in spite of its dairy foundation. Known for promoting a sense of fullness and helping weight control, Greek Yogurt will give you the energy you need to tackle your day and to stay looking great. The abundance of probiotics found in them is nothing to sneeze at either.
That’s right, you heard it here, coffee can actually be an important and healthy part of starting your day. While consuming too much caffeine can be a problem, there are other benefits that make a moderate consumption of coffee beneficial. Alertness, mental performance, and mood are all enhanced by the consumption of caffeine, and it has also been shown to have positive effects on weight loss efforts by boosting our metabolism. Anti-oxidants found in this morning favorite also help defend against inflammation.
If you’re trying to battle high-cholesterol and are looking for a healthy alternative for your morning repast, oatmeal should be first on your list. Free from gluten this grain is available to almost anyone, and it comes packed with 6 grams of protein per cup of cooked oatmeal. It’s thick nature helps to contribute to a sense of fullness, and its loaded with antioxidants to help keep our hearts healthy and our blood pressure low.
Combine these together and you’ve got a hearty breakfast that will keep you going through the day while protecting your body and promoting excellent health. If you’re looking for other suggestions to help start your day right, pick up the phone and give Dr. Sam Olu Faleye a call at their office today. Starting your day right will set a great pace for your life ahead.