There comes a time in every woman’s life when she has to prepare herself for the inevitable, the mammogram. While menopause is definitely looming over the horizon it tends to be a little less intimidating than the first time you have one of the girls put in a pasta roller. That being said this process is an essential part of your routine women’s health checkup. If you’ve never had one before then this little guide will help you prepare for your first one.
Preparing For Your Mammogram
There are a few steps you can take in preparation for your mammogram to make sure everything goes smoothly. The most important of which is making sure the facility you’re using specializes in them, preferably doing several a day. Once you’ve selected a clinic make sure that you use the same one every year so they can easily compare the results to note any changes.
If it’s your first time at a facility you’ll want to bring a list of any other breast treatments you’ve had. When you return for your next mammogram, remember to note the date of the ones you’ve had.
If your breasts are swollen or tender than you might want to postpone the appointment. This is about more than just comfort, you want to make sure you get the best films you can. The week before your period is a bad time, for instance.
Avoid wearing antiperspirant or deodorant on the day of your mammogram. These substances contain materials that can appear as white spots on your x-ray. Bring your deodorant with you to put on afterwards if you like.
Make sure you aren’t wearing a dress, skirts or pants are preferable since you’ll need to remove your top and bra for the mammogram.
If you’ve had any problems or noted any recent changes in your breasts be sure to mention them to your doctor.
If you have a romantic partner you might consider having them do a pre-exam before you leave for the office. They often will notice changes that you haven’t that you may want to bring up to your dentist.
The odds of you having breast cancer are remarkably slim, and mammograms are just a way to avoid it in the long run. Out of every 1000 exams only 2 to 4 result in a diagnosis of breast cancer, so odds are it’s just routine maintenance.
Breast cancer is a terrible disease, but with an early diagnosis it’s entirely possible to overcome it and continue to live a life with healthy breasts. Your yearly mammogram is an important part of this process. If it’s time for you to have your next mammogram then pick up the phone and give Dr. Sam Olu Faleye a call at the Prime Health Medical Center today! Their office works with women like you in the Memphis, TN community to help keep an eye on their overall health and ensure they live long and healthy lives!