Primehealth Medical Center, P.C.
Primehealth Medical Center, P.C.

Staying Active as you get Older

As you get older, it’s easy to make up excuses as to why you can’t do something. In fact, working out is one of those things that people claim they either don’t have enough time for or don’t have the energy for. Interestingly, if you avoid working out, the aging process will be that much more rough on you.


As you get older, it’s important that you work out and keep yourself healthy. This helps you fight disease, stay strong, and enjoy a quality of life that’s far superior to those who do not enjoy an active lifestyle.


First Thing’s First


Before you start any workout routine, it’s important that you get into the doctor for a visit. We need to make sure your heart is healthy enough for physical activity. If it isn’t or if we find an underlying condition that could be irritated by exercise, then we will work on getting you healed and in good enough condition to workout.


But how do I work out?


It’s true that as you age working out gets harder. This is why it is important that you work with a trainer or find a gym that can advise you on the best workouts for your age and lifestyle. You might have used to run, but now need to switch to speed walking or biking.


Working with whatever limitations you have will ensure that you enjoy what you’re doing and don’t injure yourself in the process.


Diet Is a Big Deal


If you plan to stay active as you age, it’s equally important that you monitor your diet. If you eat unhealthily then, you won’t be motivated to work out. Stick to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, and lean proteins. This will help to maintain balance and give you the nutrients needed to power through workouts and see results.


Benefits of Exercise


Working out as you age can prevent serious problems like hip breaks. This is because your bones, muscles, and ligaments are all kept healthy as they are forced to move and strengthen. The stronger they are, the more resistant they will be to breaks, sprains, tears, and more.


Exercise can also be a powerful coping tool for elderly patients dealing with illnesses like cancer. It can help fight fatigue and offers emotional support and coping that might otherwise be harder to achieve.


If you’re older and interested in starting a workout program, schedule an appointment with Dr. Faleye. He can help determine a proper starting point for you and put together a plan that will get you on the path toward better health.



Schedule an Appointment

Primehealth Medical Center, P.C.

6637 Summer Knoll Cir

Suite 101

Memphis, TN 38134


Ph +1 901 3725260

Fx +1 901 3868726


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We are open during the following hours:

Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm

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