Primehealth Medical Center, P.C.
Primehealth Medical Center, P.C.

Tips To Help You Manage Your Diabetes

When you are first told that you have diabetes, it can feel like a life-changing event. There are new things to think about, and every meal needs to be carefully considered. For many diabetes patients, there is never a moment where they can eat what they want and not think about the potential consequences. When you’re living with diabetes, every piece of information you can get that makes your life easier is valuable. Dr. Sam Olu Faleye helps patients live normal happy lives with diabetes from the Primehealth Medical Center, and has put together the following selection of tips to help them.


1 – Health Eating Is Key

Patients with diabetes have to pay more attention to their diet than ever. Carefully managing their blood sugar is critical, but it doesn’t mean that any given food is actually off-limits. Portion sizes and healthy eating are essential if you want to continue to enjoy your favorite treats. Fruits, whole grains, vegetables, dairy, and lean meats can all help keep you healthy.


2 – The Value of Exercise

Getting and staying active can make managing your diabetes easier, even if you only add 30 minutes of exercise each day. To qualify, the exercise must increase your heart rate and make you sweat, meaning that walking, riding a bike, or doing yoga can all qualify. A growing selection of active video games can make getting this exercise fun and easy.


3 – Regular Checkups Keep You On Track

Scheduling regular visits to your doctor is always a good idea. If you’ve been diagnosed, it’s even more important. These visits will help you monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. You can also watch for eye concerns common with diabetics, and stay alert for nerve damage and foot ulcers. Remember, diabetes doubles your chances of heart disease, so it pays to stay on top of your health.


4 – Drop The Stress

Stress management is something we should all practice, but diabetics need to do so more than anyone. Blood sugar levels rise when stress or anxiety is present and can make staying on top of exercise, proper eating, and taking medicine on time difficult. Finding ways to manage your stress will help keep things under control.


5 – Tobacco Is To-Terrible

Tobacco and diabetes share some things in common that make them terrible co-conspirators. Both increase the chances of heart disease, eye problems, blood vessel disease, stroke, and more. Smoking also makes it more difficult to follow tip #2. If you’re serious about living a long healthy life with diabetes, tobacco has got to go.


Every year Dr. Sam Olu Faleye aids patients in the Memphis, TN area in tackling life with diabetes. The Primehealth Medical Center is available to take new patients and is known for helping our patients balance managing their disease and living a full life. Diabetes, when out of control, can lead to amputations, blindness, and even death. Don’t wait to get your diabetes under control; call our offices for an appointment today.


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